Amanda Breen: Page 20

Entrepreneur Staff
Senior Features Writer

Amanda Breen is a senior features writer at She is a graduate of Barnard College and received an MFA in writing at Columbia University, where she was a news fellow for the School of the Arts.

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Latest: Page 20

Business News

Retailers Are Going to Shatter Discount Records This Holiday Season — But You'll Have to Shop the Right Way to Cash In

Consumers shopping for gifts amid inflation are eager for the best deals.


Los introvertidos que utilizan esta arma secreta pueden ser más poderosos que los extrovertidos en el lugar de trabajo

Frecuentemente, los colegas menos extrovertidos son malentendidos y subestimados, pero su talento para una cosa en particular los prepara para el éxito.

Business News

'Not Much Financial Education' — Yet Millennials Have Boomers and Gen X Beat When It Comes to Retirement Savings. Here's Why.

Millennials might own fewer homes and make less money — but they're on track for a better retirement.


Introverts Who Use This Secret Weapon Can Be More Powerful Than Extroverts in the Workplace

Less extroverted colleagues are often misunderstood and underestimated — but their talent for one thing in particular sets them up for success.

Business News

JPMorgan CEO Jamie Dimon Says AI 'Is Real' and Will Eliminate the 5-Day Work Week. Here's How His Company's Going All In.

The financial services firm advertised for thousands of AI-related roles earlier this year.

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Bringing the Neighborhood Back to Business: Lessons From Mr. Rogers

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Celebrating Women's History Month: 5 Powerful Women Who Paved the Way

With fights for equal pay and increased job opportunities still necessary in today's world, it's inspiring to look back on those in history who've sparked change.

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How to Make Sure Your New Year's Resolution Becomes a Reality

Don't let another year go by without hitting those goals (big and small) that will change your life.

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I'm a Millennial Who Quit My Job Last Year to Do What I Love. Here's How I've Made More Than $300,000 So Far.

I left my six-figure consulting gig to become a full-time money coach -- and exceeded all of my expectations.

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How to Get Funding and Grants for Green Startups

As an eco entrepreneur, you've got options to get funding that will grow your business and protect the planet.